Monday, 27 January 2014

SEO Onpage Optimisation

10 Things that are needed for Onpage Optimisation.

This entails editing the contents of a website within the web client itself in order a site to rank higher within a search engine's organic results. 

  1. Short and unique URLs, using relevant keywords, to subpages allows for them to be more prevalent when that specific keyword is searched for.
  2. Having under 6 keywords under meta tags helps Google decide if the content is relevant or not. Too many tags results would not work, as the few tabs selected should refer directly to the company, main domain or the page's content. This means that if someone refers to a company and then specific content related to it, they should be able to find it on the first page of Google Results. 
  3. Internal links result in greater relevancy for the site. This increases the likelyhood of users navigating through the site to find more content. Clear and simple navigation options encourage a user to spend more time on a webpage. It could be assumed that the more time spent active on a webpage by some users, the possibility exists that this would apply to other users as well, increasing traffic.
  4. The website's structure is also very important. Google will use load speeds of webpages as a criteria for its ranking. Fast load speeds can directly influence how much time a visitor may want to spend on a webpage. Why spend 5 minutes looking at one page, when another gives you access to everything with in 1?
  5. Webpages should be constantly updated, or modified in order to keep it relevant. Google will look at older pages, which do not have incoming or outgoing links, and which are not being visited and assume they have lost relevancy
  6. A key method in staying relevant is by linking with popular social media. Facebook for direct interaction and promotion with individuals, tumblr to share pictures, twitter to update a large number of people quickly. This also works as very effective and cheap marketing, as these sites also collect data on users, allowing site owners to profile and better target those interested in their sites.
  7. Sites that are full of ads, especially pop-ups, are extremely annoying, and full of malware, more often than not. Too many ads on a site can flag your site as just being spam. Google even warns users of certain sites where malware might be present. They also interfere with the user experience. If a user wants to find out about a product, they can simply google it. They do not need a neon pop up flashing around their screen playing music loudly.
  8. Creating short and clear Headings and Sub-Headings helps a user to oriente themselves through information, but with applications like Google's Webmaster Tool, different headings, names, dates e.t.c. can be highlighted so that if a similar format is repeated on other webpages, Google will be able to more easily sort out and find if the pages are relevant to a search. 
  9. Website upkeep is also essential. Websites with too many 404 errors, or links that do not go anywhere, can negatively impact a website's rank. These should be fixed a.s.a.p. as users these day have no patience on the internet. If something doesn't work, they go find an alternative. 
  10. If videos and images are available, then they should be optimised with relevant descriptions and keywords and even linked to other relevant videos or images, in order to increase traffic back and forth and later positively impact site rank.

 Rich Snippets

 These have nothing to do with costs. Google places these snippets underneath a search result and they summarize or highlight key information, which could help a user decide if they want to click on your site or not. The following are categories, which are supported by Google.
 Under each users can find templates online to quickly enter information, which will then be formatted for them. For example, under Events, you would be able to name it, describe it, state the dates and times of it, as well as list some prices.

Webmaster Tool

Google's Webmaster Tool offers several different methods for website optimisation.

  • Once a website has been linked with the tool, Google can scan it and try to categorize Rich Snippets to it. The user can also individually highlight the website layout, so that Google can be sure of where it can safely assume that the content will fall in line with headings, or sub-headings e.t.c.
  • This can result in Google creating a site-link, whereby, instead of going to your homepage, Google will direct a user to the page where the most relevant content in relation to their search is to be found. 
  • Similar to AdWords, Webmasters also have the opportunity to see how many impressions their website has had, as well as clicks. This helps a webmaster see if their selected keywords and on-page optimisation has been relevant to searchers.
  • An overview of keywords is also available. This can help a webmaster create robot.txt where they can give more specific demands to the Google search engine. For example, if links to unimportant websites are coming up, they can be blocked, so that only relevant links will be made visible in a search engine.
  • Google uses an algorithm to scan pages and report on errors, summarizing them for the webmaster who then has a clear view of what they need to correct. They use a metaphor of spiders crawling through the 'web'. Ominous, to say the least.

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